Bringing Learning To Life
Bringing Learning To Life
Bringing Learning To Life
Good attendance is important because:
We place great importance on attendance and monitor attendance daily. Attendance has a high profile within our school and we recognise and reward good and improved attendance.
Look in our newsletter for our latest attendance figures.
This year we want to get it back above 96% with your help.
It is important your child is in school every day though we recognise there are exceptional circumstances when they cannot come to school. You need to let the school know as soon as possible if you think this might be the case. Family holidays are not likely to be considered as an exceptional circumstance. Parents of pupils who do not attend school regularly may be issued with a Penalty Notice or face other legal action.
The gates open at 8:30am and children start learning straightaway.
The school day ends at 3:15pm.
Children who stay for an after-school club should be collected at 4:30pm.
Wrap around care is available from 7:30 in the morning and up to 5:30 in the evening.