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Governing Body


Bordon Junior School is an academy within the University of Chichester Multi-Academy Trust.

The governance within the University of Chichester Multi-Academy trust is undertaken by members, trustees (sometimes called Directors) and governors of individual academies. This structure provides strong corporate governance ensuring the best education for our pupils.

The UNICAT Trust Board

Our Governance Structure


Trustees delegate significant governance functions to local governing bodies, as set out in the Scheme of Delegation. The Local Governing Body has a strong focus on core strategic functions:
1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the academy and its pupils
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure its money is well spent
School governors play an important role in ensuring the smooth and effective running of the school. They provide a local perspective so that every child has the opportunity to be happy and successful.
It is a rewarding voluntary role which gives an insight in the workings of the school and an understanding of the education system more generally. There are many opportunities to develop skills in a range of areas and be involved in strategic decision-making. Full training and induction support is provided for all governors. If you are interested in supporting the school as a member of the local governing body please contact the Headteacher.


Head Teacher

I have been here at Bordon Junior School for 6 years. I believe our school is a place where every child can be happy and successful. Every child is unique and brings a range of interests and enthusiasm to our community of learners. It is the school’s responsibility to help each child in our care explore these interests and not only develop the knowledge and skills they need, but also grow as independent and motivated learners who can make the most of every opportunity.

Chair of Governors
[email protected]

I first became involved at Bordon Juniors as a pupil in the mid fifties with the inspirational head Master Ken Woodward, the building is now Barbados House. I qualified at the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and retired in 2013, following a successful career in surveying and facilities management for national and international companies.
My grandson attended BJS and I was invited to meet to meet the Head teacher Chris James with the possibility of becoming a governor to advise on Health and Safety and building maintenance matters. I noticed the same inspirational leadership in Chris as I had seen with Ken Woodward and I have supported him and his dedicated team of staff for over five years now and look forward to assisting BJS to become the most prominent school in the area.
Governance in the Multi-Academy TrustGovernor's AttendanceDeclaration of Interests

New Governor Wanted


We are currently looking for new governors to join our friendly governing body. All our governors come from a diverse range of backgrounds, skills and experience, but all share one common interest, of wanting to provide the best possible education for the children in our community.

Governance in the Multi-Academy Trust